Thursday, June 16, 2011

ALA Austin Member Tweet-Up Happy Hour

Please reserve Thursday, June 23rd, 5:30 p.m. for a special Social Media "Tweet Up" Happy Hour with your ALA friends and colleagues.

As a warm-up for the social media presentation by Amy Knapp of Knapp Marketing at our July luncheon, we’ll be combining several online social media tools and techniques into a fun networking event for ALA members interested in social networking for law firms.
To add to the fun, we are going to add a Twitter element to this event.  To be eligible for a fabulous door prize do the following:
1)  Register for a Twitter Account.
2) Search for #alaaustin hashtag
3) Tweet out that you will be attending our event.
Please feel free to invite your colleagues who may be interested in learning more about social media. 
For more information or questions, contact Brenda Barnes at 512-391-8242.
This is a cash bar event!!!
To Attend Click Here: Attend Event

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