Friday, June 24, 2011

Chapter's First Tweetup a Success

Last night Chapter Members met at Cork and Co for the first Chapter-sponsored Tweetup. It was a great evening of reconnecting with members and talking about social media. Of course the first question, even among attendees was "What exactly is a Tweetup?"

A Tweetup is an event where people who Twitter come together to meet in person. Normally this event is to help people who connect online meed in person. You meet with people you might only know virtually and really connect with people to share just a little more than 140 characters at a time. Unlike traditional Tweetups where Twitter-aficionados are already well versed in the Twitterverse, the Chapter's Tweetup was more an opportunity to teach people how to use Twitter. It also gave us an opportunity to explain the "point" of Twitter and to get people thinking about how they are going to use the social media in their own lives as well as in their firms. It was an open forum to ask all your questions and have them answered over a glass of your favorite Chardonnay.

So while we may not have created any new Twitteroos (Twitter expert) we definitely learned a lot. If you're just getting started on Twitter you can find a few of your fellow Chapter members: @amandakoplos, @ddettmann, @ChrisSimsAus, @JamesCornell3, @elainebr8, @BarnesLegalMgmt and @lauraangle. And of course if you even have any questions please feel free to contact me:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Kansas City, Here We Come!

September 15-17  Kansas City, MO  Intercontinental Hotel
Registration for the Region 3 & 4 Conference and Expo is Now Open. 

For more in formation and to register, click here!

Join us in Kansas City and Connect in the Heart of America with your
Region 3 and Region 4 colleagues and business partners.

More than 20 educational sessions, you're such to bring back keys to

Thursday, June 16, 2011

ALA Austin Member Tweet-Up Happy Hour

Please reserve Thursday, June 23rd, 5:30 p.m. for a special Social Media "Tweet Up" Happy Hour with your ALA friends and colleagues.

As a warm-up for the social media presentation by Amy Knapp of Knapp Marketing at our July luncheon, we’ll be combining several online social media tools and techniques into a fun networking event for ALA members interested in social networking for law firms.
To add to the fun, we are going to add a Twitter element to this event.  To be eligible for a fabulous door prize do the following:
1)  Register for a Twitter Account.
2) Search for #alaaustin hashtag
3) Tweet out that you will be attending our event.
Please feel free to invite your colleagues who may be interested in learning more about social media. 
For more information or questions, contact Brenda Barnes at 512-391-8242.
This is a cash bar event!!!
To Attend Click Here: Attend Event

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June Austin ALA Lunch and Learn Series

Walking the Beat With the Austin Police Department

DATE:            June 23, 2011

TIME:             11:45 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

LOCATION:  Headliners Club, 20th Floor of the Chase Tower
                        221 West Sixth Street, Austin, Texas

SPEAKER:          Officer Roy Martinez, Austin Police Department
           Officer James Scoggins, Austin Police Department

TOPIC:           Downtown Area Command District Representative Unit


·     Officer Scoggins is a nine year veteran and Officer Martinez is a six year veteran.  Both have prior law enforcement and military service.  Officers Martinez and Scoggins are currently assigned as Congress Avenue Walking Beat Officers, which is part of the Downtown Area Command District Representative Unit.

SPONSOR:     Rex Engelhardt - DOCUmation

COST:             $20.00 (checks payable to:  Austin ALA)

Please bring your check to the luncheon or it may be mailed to:

Diana Stangl; Walsh Anderson Brown Gallegos & Green, P.C., P.O. Box 2156, Austin, Texas  78768

PARKING:   Validation Stamp $5.00


DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS:  Noon – Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CANCELLATION POLICY:  Cancellations must be received before Noon on Tuesday, June 21, 2011, to avoid the $20 cancellation fee.